Подсистема логирования

Посвящено созданию и совершенствованию динамического движка игры
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 340
Зарегистрирован: 13 авг 2019, 10:25
Город: Ростов-на-Дону
Настоящее имя: Дмитрий
VK: https://vk.com/maisvendoo
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Подсистема логирования

Сообщение maisvendoo » 06 окт 2019, 00:29

Вопрос на самом деле не праздный - после первого релиза именно логи позволили найти причину неработоспособности сима у пользователя машинист_кольцов. Поэтому пренебрежительное к ним отношение чревато проблемами.

Другой вопрос, что логи в RRS до сегодняшнего дня были основаны на жалком классе Log, который толком не проектировался. Но, благодаря тому что наш проект публичный, нашелся разработчик - Дмитрий Терещенко, предоставивший в распоряжение подсистему логирования собственной разработки - libJournal. Рад сообщить, что данная подсистема успешно внедрена в симулятор. Теперь лог запуска сима выглядит так

Код: Выделить всё

M: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] ================================================================================
M: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started new session
M: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Journal subsystem is initialized successfully
M: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] ================================================================================
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] ==== Init data loading ====
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded settings from: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\init-data.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] ==== Command line processing ====
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Apply command line settinds
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] ==== Solver configurating ====
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Integration method: rk4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Start time: 0
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Stop time: 1e+07
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Initial integration step: 0.002
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Maximal integration step: 0.001
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] ==== Profile data loading ====
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Route directory: E:/work/vr/TrueRailway/routes/experimental-polygon
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Direction: forward
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Profile loaded successfully
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] ==== Train initialization ====
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded solver: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\lib\rk4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Train config from file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\trains\vl60pk-1543-pass-train.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Created sound manager
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Train loading is started...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\vl60pk-1543.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 130000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 2000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 21 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 1.236 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 6
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0 + (1.9 + 0.008 * V + 0.00025 * V^2) / 1
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\pantograph
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\pantograph
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\main-switch
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\oscillator.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\trac-transformer
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\ubt367m.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\krm395.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\kvt254.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\zpk.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\rd304.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\pneumo-splitter.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\ekg-8g
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\VU
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\VU
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\KV1-osc
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\HB-412K
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\PT-140A
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\HB-412K
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\PT-140A
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\HB-412K
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\PT-140A
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\HB-412K
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\PT-140A
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\HB-412K
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\PT-140A
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\HB-412K
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\PT-140A
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\vl60pk-1543\3SL-2M
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-11100\IMR_pass_rzd-11100.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 56500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-13819\IMR_pass_rzd-13819.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 56500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-11100\IMR_pass_rzd-11100.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 56500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-13819\IMR_pass_rzd-13819.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 56500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-11100\IMR_pass_rzd-11100.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 56500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-13819\IMR_pass_rzd-13819.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 56500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-11100\IMR_pass_rzd-11100.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 56500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-17669\IMR_pass_rzd-17669.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 56500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-16733\IMR_pass_rzd-16733.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 58300 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-25924\IMR_pass_rzd-25924.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 54200 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-25924\IMR_pass_rzd-25924.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 54200 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-25924\IMR_pass_rzd-25924.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 54200 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-25924\IMR_pass_rzd-25924.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 54200 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-25924\IMR_pass_rzd-25924.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 54200 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started base class Vehicle initialization...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded config file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\vehicles\IMR_pass_rzd-11100\IMR_pass_rzd-11100.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] EmptyMass: 56500 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] PayloadMass: 4000 kg
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Length: 25 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelDiameter: 0.95 m
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] NumAxis: 4
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] WheelInertia: 2 kg*m^2
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Main resist formula: w = 0.7 + (8 + 0.16 * V + 0.0023 * V^2) / 15
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Base class initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Call of Vehicle::initialize() method...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\carbrakes-mech-composite.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded file: E:\work\vr\TrueRailway\cfg\devices\vr242.xml
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Custom initialization finished
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Allocated memory for 164 ODE's
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Loaded coupling model from: ef-coupling
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Setting up of initial conditions
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  0] coordinate: 1300
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  1] coordinate: 1277
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  2] coordinate: 1252
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  3] coordinate: 1227
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  4] coordinate: 1202
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  5] coordinate: 1177
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  6] coordinate: 1152
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  7] coordinate: 1127
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  8] coordinate: 1102
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[  9] coordinate: 1077
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[ 10] coordinate: 1052
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[ 11] coordinate: 1027
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[ 12] coordinate: 1002
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[ 13] coordinate: 977
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[ 14] coordinate: 952
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Vehicle[ 15] coordinate: 927
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Initialization of vehicles brake devices...
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Train is initialized successfully
I: [2019-10-06 03:14:54] Started simulation timer with interval 20
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